around you

i hope my smile can distract you

i hope my fists can fight for two

so it never has to show

and you’ll never have to know

i hope my love can blind you

i hope my arms can bind you

so you’ll never have to see

what we’ve grown to be.

one may think we’re alright

but we need pills

to sleep at night

we need lies

to make it through the day

we’re not ok.

-pills, the perishers

i’m tired and sleepy.

i wish i didn’t have to.

i just want to lie in bed and watch movies

and chocolate, that would help too.

it’s amazing. you look like a normal person, but actually you’re the angel of death.


July 28, 2009. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

What is going on here?I don’t understand.

in 3 days i will have to get on a plane and fly back to melbourne, only to be surrounded by people i cannot stand and yet cannot avoid, and for what?


oh god.

why is it that everything i want, i cannot have without some ridonkulous consequence?

why do i have to give up so many things just so i can do one thing that i really like?



what, pray tell, what is the damn point of this, WHAT?



now substitute all that for highly creative swear words.


July 22, 2009. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

sometimes i think

if i had to have that same conversation one more time, i would lose my mind and just whack someone in the head.

but then violence is never the answer

and also, i’d be left to ____________ alone. and which would seriously impede my shopping.

and now that i am freaking 4000 miles away, and we have to have this same freaking conversation again, i just want to scream and whack something.

instead, i have controlled my violent tendencies and cleaned the back yard, washed 2 small animals and given one of them a buzz cut, and made some cupcakes for my niece and nephew (sorry i ate half of them, i was hungry).

it is all i can do to stop myself from picking up the phone and yelling at you (although i never did this even when i was in melbourne and could yell at you in person).

watch out you, i’ll be back soon….


fear my wrath, bitchface!



maybe i Have become a bit more violent.


actually, scratch that. i’m just going to run interference from all the way over here, and watch as things spontaneously (well not really, as i’ll be the one stoking the fire HAHAHA) combust. and then i will sit back and laugh, like a crazy person, because that is what you are doing to me, argharghargh!!!!!



crazy time is over.

July 12, 2009. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

the way you make me feel

why is this looping in the little playlist in my head?


there is no better feeling- than that of arriving home to people who are truly pleased to see you, of snuggly (and slightly hairy) pets who insist on following you around all day, of friends who you genuinely cannot wait to see again.

there is none.

except maybe finally sleeping after 36 hours of non-sleep, free of nightmares and scary voices in your head.

i wonder what these 3 weeks will do to us.

i also wonder why my hair is refusing to lie flat (why must you stick out like that?)

i am also looking forward to watching transformers tomorrow (although it is quite likely that i will not enjoy it, seeing as it is loud and full of shouty explosions and also megan fox, whom i understand ..bounces..around a lot in this movie). i am determined to try and enjoy it in spite of all this, just so i can finally say I HAVE WATCHED THIS WRETCHED MOVIE because yes, i am weak and vulnerable to peer pressure like that.

also i am looking forward to tea-and-cake-and-movie-and-shopping with my bestest friend (yay!!), and meeting up with my other bestest friend (when she gets back, hurry up woman!) so double yay!



July 5, 2009. MY So-Called Life. 2 comments.