Little Favours

this silence sits easy

so peacefully.


today, this morning of the 30th day of june, the middle of the year (don’t quibble, dramatic effect ok)..

i have decided

to just forget everything.

it’s so much easier to erase the past, rather than remember and think and remember and think

maybe in a few years i’ll be able to look back and not be sad

but for now, for now..

it never existed,

and none of it was real.

i know someone who would (should!) be proud of me.

(you better be proud of me woman!)


so take me far away now

and hold me close to your heart

and do me just this little favour

June 30, 2009. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.


can’t wait for next week.

so many things to look forward to.

damn it, maybe i SHOULD go buy that ___.

i want it all and i want it now.

maybe it’s a substitute for you.

yes, that must be why i have so many shoes.


clickety click my darlings, it’s Chuck Bass

and an accent has never been sexier.

June 27, 2009. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

hot and cold

that katy perry song has been looping in my head for SOME STRANGE REASON

and then i listened, really listened, and realised

hot damn, my subconsicous mind does a whole lot of thinking doesn’t it.


it’s headless chicken time, baby!

except i won’t run in circles anymore-

i promise.

(logistically though, this might pose a problem…think about it…where/how else would i run?)

June 21, 2009. MY So-Called Life. 1 comment.

a few days ago i had a very vivid dream, in which i was at the david jones stocktake sale

where i found these awesome prada flats for $20.

so naturally i Had to get them.

but then, as my companions distracted me (pffft) i turned around to discover that my pradas had been whisked away by the SA!

frustrated i was,

but also determined to score myself a bargain.

and so i continued browsing, and lo and behold,

i found some chanel flats for $50!

and so i leaned over to get them,

and hit my head on the shelf.

and then i woke up,

because i had rolled over and hit my head on the bedside table.


you see, even in my dreams i am unfaltering in my love of footwear-

i will not be defeated in my pursuits.

now if only i could apply that to things that ACTUALLY matter…

June 17, 2009. MY So-Called Life. 2 comments.

i was just sitting here, thinking about bananas

and then i remembered one day last year when i ate 7 bananas and a cup of coffee and had palpitations.

oh, the wonders and marvels of my brain.

why am i thinking about bananas?

curiouser and curiouser.

June 4, 2009. MY So-Called Life. 1 comment.