well. this could go on for a while.


speaking of which

i was talking to a friend earlier this morning

(comparing whose life is currently suckier)

and then we just decided that

things were so much easier when we were younger, and didn’t ask so many questions or think so much or want so many things or ____________.

it’s like..

what have i gone and done!

that is precisely the kind of revelation one hopes not to have

at 10 am in the morning.

actually it occurs to me that i have these revelations on a regular basis

(but that doesn’t make it less pathetic,haha.)

November 22, 2007. My Friends Are Bananas. Leave a comment.



i just bought this book…can’t wait to read it..haha..

(read this)

it is Tuesday and i have just come home from a fun fun place-

i think it’s weird (surreal,really) how when i go out on a tuesday night, to a place that isn’t even really POPULAR…and suddenly i meet so many people i haven’t met in ages.


it’s like fate.

yeah,fate sent me there, so i can buy things i don’t need (see above), have waaaaay too much fun (and fun things) and tell strange people inappropriate things.

i can tell i’m going to regret this at 7 a.m. tomorrow when i have to drag my sorry ass to school just so we can spend an hour driving to a place i don’t really want to be (because it is 7 a.m. and normal people sleep) only to fritter away half a day before we drive another hour back to civilisation (i.e. school where there are chairs and computers).


as long as nobody tries to pat my head when i’m sleeping. again.

can you tell i’m not all here right now?

i think it’s preeeeetty obvious.

more tomorrow…when i will show you my new Yellow Daisy.

well..if you’re good..

October 3, 2007. My Friends Are Bananas. 3 comments.



when 2 different people who don’t know each other,on separate occasions (i.e. years) give me the same birthday cards-

what shall i make of it?

this could go one of 2 ways:

a) i am so me, that people are able to define my me-ness…and my me-ness precedes me,haha…


b) these two people are so in sync it’s almost wrong that they don’t know each other.


well. actually it should be three people, with one of them being the common factor in both incidences.


maybe i should stop wondering about things so much

and concentrate on getting the cafeteria stink off my clothes.

Listening: Be Be Your Love; Rachael Yamagata

Fashion Week(s) is coming up–will i have time to stalk style.com in between osteomyelitis and Paget’s disease?

here it might be interesting to note that last week i was unceremoniously booted from the computer lab because i was looking at shoes.

by someone with fugly shoes, obviously. (where are the kindred spirits and everything?)


September 4, 2007. My Friends Are Bananas. 1 comment.

shut up and smile.


just do it.

anyway i was just thinking about the friends i have.

i like my world to be in nice little compartments.

and i guess my friends lie in different categories as well…

like my Shopping Friends.

within this (understandably huge) category there are Shoe Friends, Clothes Friends, Sale Friends, and my (ahem) dear Earring Friend, who has only recently come out of the closet, so to speak.

and then there are the Movie and Music Friends, whose sole purposes in life are to discuss and dissect movies/music with me.

and also to diss my choices, but of course.

and THEN there are my Techno Friends, one of whom is my brother. mostly i try to convince him to buy me things.

obviously there are my Literary cum Intellectual Friends, who, somewhere along the way seem to have gotten the idea that i’m this intellectual (haha!) person, and so i find myself discussing Proust more often than i (anyone) would realistically like to.

quite often Friends fall into several categories at once, for example Techno/Movie/Weird Friend, who is a quite likely closeted shopaholic.

all i have to do is release his inner shopping Diva.

but my favourite, my absof~inglutely favourite people in the whole world…

are my Weird Friends.

with whom i can be as weird as i want, because they are Just As Weird, although they’ll never admit it.

darlings, it’s a term of endearment.


oh my god, what is wrong with me????

Listening: Fidelity; Regina Spektor

Reading: Special Topics In Calamity Physics; Marissha Pessl

Watching: Elizabethtown

i’ve only just realised that Orlando Bloom is hot.


May 28, 2007. My Friends Are Bananas. 8 comments.