this is a lame post,you may leave..

i believe there is an infinite amount of love in the world.

(i used to believe there is a finite amount of Good and Evil in the world but that is neither here nor there)



i believe that it is possible to love someone or something more than you love yourself.

i believe that loving someone or something, even when they don’t necessarily love you back (that is a bonus), is the most sincere thing you can do.

i believe that loving my dog (specifically) makes me a kinder, more docile(haha) person.

the last thing i say to my dog every night is i love you.

i believe you should tell the people you love that you love them


i believe that just loving someone makes you a better person.

i believe that love- for God, for family, for friends, for pets..

(and shoes)

makes you stronger.

i don’t believe in giving up on the things i love.

feb07 167

can you tell how much i love my dog?


November 8, 2007. Wild Things. 4 comments.

a praying mantis sits on my hammock

October 2007 118

now get off,it’s my turn.

October 18, 2007. Wild Things. 1 comment.

everybody meet:

September 2007 188

 my new plant.

it is a purple orchid.

i like flowers.

a LOT.

i used to have a lovely orange gerbera daisy

but sadly it drowned.

(i watered it to death)

i’m now working on a sunflower plant.

waiting for it to sprout,haha.

anyway. i love flowers.


Brown Patent Lace Up Flats

my abnormally pale feet.

these are my new shoes.

they are brown patent leather, with lace up detailing.

they remind me of the scruffy old M&S laceups i had when i was 10.


there is a chameleon living in my garden

it is a veritable zoo.

i’m trying to get a picture of the chameleon

it’s turning out to be harder than i expected.


September 23, 2007. Shoes, Wild Things. 4 comments.

here’s lookin’ at ya, kid.

 i went to the zoo last week.

look, i met some of my friends.

Singapore 2007 024

worryingly he appears to be eating some round balls of crap.


Singapore 2007 066

you may not see it here, but this kangaroo is actually pooping.


anyone notice a trend here?


Singapore 2007 067

what you lookin’ at?

Visit the Zoo here.

May 14, 2007. MY So-Called Life, Wild Things. Leave a comment.

fishies go pOokpOok, but Frogs go rrrrribbit.




anyways. getting to my point…

Everyone, meet Frog.

ribbit ribbit.

Frog, meet Everyone.

Frog and his brother (I don’t know this for sure, just thought they look quite alike), Frog Spawn, live in my garden.

for three nights now, i’ve been sitting in the garden, spying on Frog and Frog Spawn.

(yes, i am relatively free. and yes, i need to get a life. ANYWAY..)

every night, Frog sits in front of this particular flower pot, just staring into space.

Frog Spawn, on the other hand, prefers to sit behind a spade.

he also enjoys staring into space.


lest the picture deceives you, i must point out that Frog and Frog Spawn are actually Very Small.

in fact, they are about the size of a lump of dog crap.

IN FACT, i once tried to scoop Frog up with the Pooper Scooper.

until i realised…

waitaminute….since when does crap have EYES?


which makes me wonder…

what does frog crap look like?


Listening: You Give Me Something; James Morrison

Watching: Wild Hogs.


it’s fun to watch movies in empty cinemas. that way you can laugh all you want and snort piggishly and no one’s there to hear you. yes, that was me.

 OOh…and guess what? i went to pick up my shoes and decided i didn’t really like them and i found another pair which i like even more, so i got those!wheeee…

okay. must lay off the sugar.

hyperglycaemia is Very Bad Indeed.

April 25, 2007. MY So-Called Life, Shoes, Wild Things. 2 comments.


i’ve been in a strangely happy mood these past few days…i can’t pinpoint why, and i don’t know why i need to find out why.

i’m so weird,man…(and yes,as i now realise…curiosity is a terrible thing…)

anyways, lookie!

i took this picture in Taman Negara (for those who don’t know…it’s a National Park,full of trees and insects and monkeys and things that go bump in the night).

March 2007 116

it is…a lizard-type thing!


March 14, 2007. MY So-Called Life, Wild Things. 2 comments.

don’t look at me like that

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

i am very fierce okay?



November 7, 2006. Uncategorized, Wild Things. Leave a comment.