The End Of An Era

Looking back on 2005, I wonder why it seems to have passed by so quickly.

My resolutions for 2005:

1. I will be less messy.

Mission: Impossible. But I will try again this year. (0/2)

2. I will not expect things where there is nothing to be expected.

Did relatively well on this one; with a few lapses in judgement. (1.5/2)

3. I will be nicer to my family and friends.

To my family, and some of my friends… 🙂  (1.5/2)

4. I will stop buying shoes (I cannot walk in).

I bought 16 pairs of shoes this year. Let’s not talk about this ever again. (-1 million!)

5. I will do my best in everything, because anything worth doing is worth doing well.

Honestly, I did. (2/2)

SCORE: 5/10

Better than I did in 2004, with 2/10!


A recap of my resolutions for 2006: This year:

  1. I will be less fussy about germs.
  2. I will be more organised.
  3. I will be nicer to people.
  4. I will study harder.
  5. I will not substitute TV for human companions, however tempting it may be.
  6. I will not eat my weight in sorbet.
  7. I will not be so stupid.
  8. I will not be so nice; ie stupid.
  9. I will not ask questions unless I really want to know the answer.
  10. I will not let other people affect me.

Also, making a repeat appearance,

  1. I will not expect things where there is nothing to be expected. Also, I will not have expectations of people, because really…
  2. I will be less messy.
  3. I will stop buying shoes.
  4. I will do my best in everything I try.
  5. I will keep these resolutions for more than 5 days.

A new year, a new beginning. I’m leaving the baggage of 2005 where it belongs…in the past!

Here’s to a great year ahead, everyone!

(And thanks for still reading this, ramblings and all!)

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this Little Green Man says:Happy New Year!
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New Year’s Eve dinner, made by yours truly!(L-R:Potato-mushroom-mozzarella bake, roast chicken, garlic bread, steamed french beans, and brownies with almonds)

December 31, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

Happy Birthday Carmen-Ee!

Today(its yesterday by the time I post this) I went shopping and bought 2 pairs of undie-pants that say: The Tiki Post!

In other news, its Carmen’s birthday today, so…everyone, say


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Carmen, aka Princess Mononoke.HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY!!!!

In unrelated news, my cousin has this.

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Canned air!

December 30, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

The Age Of Men

The fifth generation of mortals that Zeus placed upon the grain-giving earth is our own; the Race of Iron. Now each day is filled with grief, and each night many mortals die. The worst crimes in the history of humanity occur throughout the world, and yet no mortal feels shame. Justice and faith have left the world; treason and fraud, violence and greed have replaced them.

When the time comes that host and guest no longer act hospitably, when friend argues with friend and brothers are enemies, when people who keep their word or are just or virtuous receive less respect than those who use their strength for violent and evil purposes, when those who are evil hurt those who are honourable, then Zeus will destroy our Iron Race, for we will have shown the father of gods and mortals that we are unfit to inhabit the earth that so sustains us.

                World Mythology, 3rd edition

A bit of a scary (and somewhat depressing) way to say goodbye to the year, but what can you do…

I’m halfway through this book, which my brother and sister in law gave me for Christmas, along with a couple of Podskins and a lovely spa set.

(I got them cow cups.)

(Well, I chose them.)

Generally I don’t believe in myths or legends, or that the boogeyman lives in my closet (he doesn’t,shaaaddddup,lalala,cannot hear you…)…

But this is fun reading. (But a bit scary and somewhat depressing.)

There’s loads of stories from all over the world; Greece and Rome(a given), the Middle East, Japan, China, Europe and Africa…

Anyway…Point is…let’s talk about…


(The intended subject of my Christmas post).

Why do you love?

Isn’t it really just Trouble disguised as fluffy clouds and teeny boxes of chocolates and pink hearts and fat little flying babies with wings and all things lovely and sweet, when we all know, all it is is a big pain in the derriere?


Why waste so much time and energy (?) on something you can’t define; something that you can’t control; something so confusing; something so..infinite and unmeasurable; something you love to hate, but just can’t, because having someone to love makes you feel complete?

What’s the difference between like and love?

“Like…I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada bag.

But….I love my Skechers!

That’s cause you don’t have a Prada bag…”

                                                                 -10 Things I Hate About You

When do you cross the line between like and love?

Why does it feel so good to love, whether or not it’s returned?

How do you know that love (or what you think it is) is really love?

Eros*,the God of Love (whether or not you believe this is besides the point) languished of loneliness until Aphrodite gave him a brother, Anteros (the personification of unrequited love and the punisher of he who scorns love) as a playmate; for love to prosper it must be answered.

*Eros is known as Cupid (to the Romans) and Profit (to Hallmark)

I am so going to hell.

Full of questions today; but nobody seems to have the answers…

Listening: The Weakness In Me; Joan Armatrading

December 30, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

And She Fell From The Sky

Everyone, I’d like you to meet someone special.

Me so cute.This here is Squirt. He lives in my bag.Squirt says HELLO to everybody.

so tell that someone you love

just what you’re thinking of

if tomorrow never comes.


but it isn’t always so easy.


I wonder how long our Christmas decorations will stay up this year. Last year I think we made it halfway through January.

*fingers crossed*


Just because I spend time taking pictures of my shoes (I’m making an album online so I can look at them and decide what to wear) does not mean I am


b)obsessive, or

c) mad.

And I am not pale.

Nor do I look like Death.


Listening: Born; Over The Rhine


Watching: Nothing….I’m shocked!!


Reading: World Mythology; Donna Rosenberg (its so thick!!!)

December 29, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.


I think I may have a disease.

This disease, its called blogamania.

It manifests as a series of seemingly innocuous symptoms, which I shall proceed to detail below.

First, one finds herself inexplicably registering a blog, and then straining to name said blog creatively, eg (and this is obviously very creative) by christening themselves names of food,beverages or animal sounds.

(Yes, its true. If you listen hard enough, little fishies go pOokpOok, especially if you have goldfish in little bowls. You just have to listen…)

Then for the next couple of weeks, one finds herself wondering…Why did I bother…I have nothing to say anyway…

Soon, however, this blogger will come to suffer from blogamania.

Three Surefire Signs of BLOGAMANIA.

  1. When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is to switch on your computer to see if anyone has left a witty message (but I’ll settle for anything) on your blog. And then you pore over your blog hits to see where those extra 50 overnight hits came from, or was it all you, you crazy woman.
  2. In social functions you find yourself thinking of ways to describe it for maximum entertainment effect. And then you get a scary glazed over look and people look at you weirdly and ask if you’re thinking about shoes. (I wasn’t, but let’s not add to my neuroses). And when you take pictures, all you can think about can I caption this…ooh…I’m going to add little devil horns to this picture later….wheeeee….
  3. You derive great pleasure from saying things on your blog that you would never say in real life, and its even more exciting when you’re being mean and snarky, but you know they can’t get you, because that would be admitting that they suck! (But I’m mean and snarky enough in real life)


Once I heard someone say that he didn’t want to start a blog because…I don’t remember what he said, since I was suffering symptom # 2 (see above)…but I do remember thinking…that sometimes its hard to live up to people’s expectations…and when you don’t feel like writing anything, or don’t have anything to say it can be really hard, which is when you end up with entries like this, which are basically about nothing…

But then that’s not the point of blogging, is it?

I’m just going to say what I want…when I want…

Because I’m worth it!


Also, for a while now I’ve been worried that I may be suffering from Asperger Syndrome.

It is characterised by poor social interactions, obsessions, odd speech patterns and other peculiar mannerisms. People with Aspergers tend to be somewhat socially immature and may be seen by others as odd or eccentric. Other characteristics include motor delays, clumsiness, limited interests and peculiar preoccupations.



Listening: For One More Look At You; Chocolate Genius

Watching: Nothing…Still shocked..

Reading: Ikea catalogue (<—–There’s nothing left to read)


Also, in my own self interest*, I’d like to point out the following:

*you selfish b****h, you…

1. Whatever you read here is my own work, unless they are lyrics (you can tell if they’re italicized and aren’t in the semi-coherent rambly sentences I usually like), or quotes from websites, books or magazines, which are credited…

2. All pictures are copyrighted to their owners where specified, unless they are mine (not many anyway), then you are welcome to them…but please save it to your own computer, don’t eat up my bandwidth! (I know what this means…Well…Kind of.)

3. If you want to quote me or whatever, please don’t try to pass it off as your own, because seriously, that’s just sad. Having said that, thank you, imitation is the best form of flattery…

4. I am saying this to save the skin of my derriere, because it is all smooth and pale like a baby’s derriere. Not that I spend a lot of time looking at my derriere.Okay. Too Much Information.

tOodles, dahlings!

December 29, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.


My dad’s birthday,coincidentally, falls on Christmas day.

So its pretty much guaranteed that he gets a birthday party every year (and it works out well for everyone, we all get Christmas presents…yay… ), and as you may have read from my cousin’s blog, this year was no exception…

I’m just going to steal pictures from him, because I haven’t bought one of those card reader thingamajiggies, and I basically took all the pics from the same angle as him, except his are probably…haha!

Thanks man… 🙂

Anyways..this is the turkey, which obviously was the best turkey in the world (my mum made me say this), and obviously it must be the best since I had a hand in making it…(literally, but let’s not go there)

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Arr, me be thinking zee cold turkey it make zee good sarnies…
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Arr,zee legs in zee corner,zey are mine..And this is the before picture. The after picture, which I have in my camera, is too gruesome for public viewing (since I know some underage people who read this).

In the upper right corner you can see the banana birthday cake I made, although banana is obviously not very Christmassy. But bananas were all we had, since I had no time to go shopping for other ingredients as was busy, first with stupid exam, and then we all know I got distracted in the shoe store…

The banana cake is resting on top of a tupperware of fruit salad, which is basically a mixture of canned fruits, apples, peaches and cream cheese…at every family party we have someone invariably makes this, and its usually my aunt, so thank you Yee Kim!

I’d like to add, for my dear cousin’s benefit (haha, just to annoy him..) that there was a whole lot of curry brought out later…plus other random dishes I had no hand in preparing…hohoho..

The fact that my brother was sick throughout all of this (reason withheld), has nothing to do with me, of which I’m very proud, since if someone in my family gets sick I usually caused it. Haha.

Okay. Never mind.

Anyways, after the whole ruckus was done, and the hungry masses had been fed and appeased, my cousins and I decided to go catch a movie, so off went the herd of wildebeest to wreak havoc somewhere else…

In the mean time the (old)er (haha,just kidding,okay okay…YOUNG…STOP POKING ME) peoples sat around and talked (probably about the good old days and how the government is cheating everyone, knowing my dad) and….I don’t know,really…

As my uncle (who gamely, and very bravely, I must add, volunteered to ferry us-it wasn’t a pretty sight, there were 11 people stuffed in an Estima, which is normally super comfy and huge,but ELEVEN PEOPLE!!!) pointed out, this was the first time all of us actually did something together….which I then realised was true, because…really….lining up in a bridal procession for my grandparent’s renewal of vows doesn’t really count…

And although the movie was really a no-brainer (we picked Cheaper By The Dozen 2 *gag*, since it was the only one that we could get tickets for, and yes, that SUPER LOUD LAUGH was me…) I still had a lot of fun…


Haha…When I started this post I was going to talk about Eros, the God of Love, and look where I ended up!

Have I mentioned how much I love Christmas? 🙂

Eros, that sneaky fellow…

(To the Romans he’s known as Cupid, so you should pretty much know the story…one day I’ll blog about his brother Anteros, the avenger of unrequited love and the opposer of love…that should be fun… ;p )

Listening: 1963; Rachael Yamagata

Reading: World Mythology; Donna Rosenberg (<—- Christmas present!)

Watching: Perhaps Love (Chinese Moulin Rouge style musical)

December 27, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

Merry Christmas!

Three weeks ago I proudly declared (to a probably sceptical friend):

“I’ve done all my Christmas shopping…yay…”

And today, when I went to arrange presents under the tree (ok, I was secretly looking for mine…haha!) I realised ….


Which is why I had to go on a marathon-like shopping trip this afternoon…..

Where I made a new friend!

This girl and I started talking about a pair of shoes we both were looking at, and before I realised it we were chatting like we had known each other for years…

Maybe that’s what Christmas does to you…

In spite of my love for shopping and shoes and what not…

(yes, I agree with you), Christmas is commercialised.

It just is.

Christmas is about commercialism.

Its about canned carols piped through the sound systems everywhere you go.

Its about the Fake Santas with the lopsided beards, handing out candy canes to small children.

Its about the SALE! SALE! SALE! signs in every window.

Its about the flashy decorations, the blinding light displays, the styrofoam snow, the cheesy wrapping paper and the general over-the-top-ness of the whole affair.

But its also about family, about friends, about giving, receiving, and appreciating, and being thankful for every thing that you’ve got.

Above all, Christmas is about love.

In my interpretation, anyway.

So as my Christmas gift to everyone this year ( because sadly, I can’t get presents for EVERYONE out there) I have this to say:

Thank you for being in my life, and I love you all!

(Awwwww…..Public Display of Affection!)

Merry Christmas!!!

Listening: 60 Miles an Hour; New Order

Watching: Baby Van Gogh (tape for small babies)

Reading: Goodnight Moon

I didn’t get any sorbet for Christmas this year.

This is a cheesy entry.

I apologise.

December 24, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

One Step Forward

Yay, summative’s over!

Sadly, Finals are in 3 weeks, so there’s not going to be much celebrating this year…or next year…whatever…


My New Year’s Resolutions.

This coming year,

I will:

  1. Be less fussy about germs. This means doors. (Eek!)
  2. Be more organised. (I have never managed to accomplish this)
  3. Be nicer to people. Yay.
  4. Study harder.
  5. Try to keep these resolutions for more than 5 days.

I will not:

  1. Continue thinking of my TV as my best friend.
  2. Eat my body weight in sorbet.
  3. Be so stupid.
  4. Be so nice. (ie stupid)
  5. Ask questions unless I really want to know the answer.
  6. Let other people affect me.

When you share a history with someone; when you have some common experience that somehow links the both of you, what can you expect from it?

Does sharing

one moment

one person

one experience

bind you to that person?

And if it does:

Should we, or can we expect the other person to remember that?

And what if you don’t remember it yourself?

Or just don’t want to?

And why does it seem that

when I take one step forward

I end up two steps backward? 

Listening: White Picket Fence; Sunday’s Best

Listening: Hors D’oeuvres Avant Le Coup D’Etat; Wakefield

Reading: (Too tired)

Watching: Laguna Beach

December 23, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

Surviving Christmas

December 20, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

To The North Pole


(last ditch attempt to suck up)

Dear Santa.

Since I’ve been a Good Girl all year long (okay, except the time I pushed whatshisface off the chair, but he TOTALLY deserved it), I would like any of the following items for Christmas this year.


1. This bag. Because it is white and I LIKE WHITE.

2. Some mango sorbet.

3. Laguna Beach Season 2, on DVD.

4. For Sawyer on Lost not to die (and just maybe take his shirt off more often) and WILL YOU JUST GET IT ON WITH KATE ALREADY, YOU LOSER…

5. And of course, the most important,

World Peace.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

The Good Girl.

Okay, back in the Real World, I will most probably be getting:

2. Some mango sorbet.

Which I will have to buy myself.


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Frosty says:


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December 16, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.


say what you mean, mean what you say, do what you love, and love what you do.

Listening: Brighter Than Sunshine;Aqualung

December 15, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

See What I’m Listening To

Listening: Falling Back; California Oranges

(Still can’t find the Souvenirs CD….:( )

Listening: Stranger Like Me; Everlife

Listening: Home, Three Days Grace

Quote of the day:

“Social justice cannot be gained through violence. Violence kills what it hopes to create.”

So true.

December 14, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

Efferverscence: Bubblies!

I must study for exam.

I must study for exam.

I must study for exam.

(This means will be going on an INVOLUNTARY hiatus because this exam counts for something so it must not be sucky.)

That is a lie, I will end up blogging anyway.

Listening: She’s A Star; Dutch Kills

Reading: Human Anatomy and Physiology, E.N. Marieb (siiiiiiiigh)

Watching: Surfing The Menu

In the mean time I will eat this. It will kill me, but lord knows its gooood.

December 12, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

pOokpOok is Off Being Sad.

Argh, I am sick.

Its like a little rock band decided to come live in my head and make DOOBDOOBDOOB sounds all day.

(I should probably take out my earphones now)

My eyes are dry and watery at the same time. How this happened, I cannot explain.

Retching like a dying animal.

So miserable…. 😦

Of course I know what’s wrong with me.


Listening: Tumble and Fall; Feeder

Reading: Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason; Helen Fielding

Watching: CSI

December 11, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

i want it ALL

Most of this is true..

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. The seriousness of your love:

You are very serious about relationships and aren’t interested in wasting time with people you don’t really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

(if you could see me, i’m laughing my head off now.much much BS. but the underlined part is true.)

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can. The right job for you:

You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy. How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying. What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

(this is so true!) 

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

Listening: Starring In The Movies; Annie Hayden

Reading: A Diamond As Big As The Ritz; F. Scott Fitzgerald

Watching: Lost

December 10, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

shhh,it’s a secret

We’ve all been there.

You start the day in a happy, happy mood, but by the time it ends you just want to go home and hide and get away from all the annoying people, talking about gnomes and bees and whatever.

okay, so maybe not gnomes or bees, but…argh,never mind.

(i like gnomes,by the cute)

(garden gnomes)

Anyway, point is..

I read this somewhere.

“A true friend is someone you can sit with on the porch and not say a word, but still walk away feeling like you’ve had the best conversation ever.”

Granted, this is somewhat an…impossiblity.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English (circa 1960, haha..) defines conversation as talk.

So if you don’t say anything, how can you have a conversation?

Semantics aside, I can think of only one person with whom I can be completely silent, and still feel comfortable with. (Sadly she doesn’t live here…:( )

How many people do you know?

Its so easy to talk,isn’t it.

But its so much harder to just…be…silent.

I used to think that finding someone you could talk to was a challenge.

(I mean, obviously I talk to people, and sometimes I just won’t shut up. )

But there aren’t that many people with whom I’d willingly sit and just talk (and listen). And because I can’t always be with those people, I learn to like the people I AM with, to make life simpler. Hey, if you can’t be with the ones you love, love the ones you’re with, right?

(Maybe less with the naughty overtones)

Lame jokes aside….

silence is a beautiful thing. don’t spoil it by saying something stupid.

Quote of the day:“The truth will set you free, but first it’ll piss you off.”

Listening: Worn Me Down; Rachael YamagataReading: Jane Eyre; Charlotte Bronte Human Anatomy and Physiology, E.N. Marieb

Watching: The Dukes of Hazzard (WHY???????)

December 9, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.


Today the electricity people came and fiddled with the power station near my house.

When I got home the gate wouldn’t open, my fish were drowning, and the tiny fountain-fish-bowl-thing in my hall sputtered and DIED, cos there was no electricity.

So I sat on the floor, sweating piggishly, babbling incoherent curses and eating mango sorbet until I fell asleep.

With the spoon stuck to my shirt.


Okay, so today’s gem, courtesy of Lauren:

Guys are like bags.

There’ll always be that one guy you’re always comfortable with, that you’ll always kind of like.

That’s the bag you carry every day.

Then there’s the REALLY GORGEOUS bag, the one you want everyone to see you with.

But the gorgeous bag will always be an asshole.


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So cute!Sadly, almost 400 dollars.



Listening: They; Jem


Reading: Something For The Weekend, Jamie Oliver


Watching: Monk

December 8, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

oh joy be ye

Today I dug my Palm out from the deep,dark recesses of my desk to charge it…..

and guess what?

there was fifty bucks stuck to the back!


(and I’m no longer broke….yay)

EDIT: Later I found out that my brother put it there, so while it wasn’t some kind of divine miracle or something, it was still a super nice surprise, so THANKS MAN!!

Everyone should have one of this.

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A tiny smile at the bottom of a long drink.(You can get them from The Manolo)Listening: A Love That Will Last; Renee Olstead

Reading: How To Be A Domestic Goddess; Nigella Lawson

Watching: The 40 Year Old Virgin

December 7, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.


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Poor Katie.(Photo from



Aren’t we cute. I love children. They’re like little garden gnomes who wear polka dot socks and sing songs about little frogs and bees.



Worrying news.

I’ve been listening to Lindsay Lohan, It-Girl 2005, and I actually LIKE HER!!!!

Of course, I still think she’s on the one way road to Skanky-Town (HELLO BRITNEY!)

But her songs SO ROCK!

(I cannot believe I just said that)



I like First and I Decide…all angsty-whiny-chick things..(haha,surprise, surprise!)

SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please, somebody, shoot me.

Quote of the day:

Cos you’re mine, and tonight you revolve around me, COS YOU’RE MINE!

                                                                             -Lindsay Lohan

There’s a little bit of this scary clingy chick in all of us.



Got it?

December 6, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

dante’s inferno

On Average, You Would Sell Out For

At What Price Would You Sell Out?

if you have $ 1,071,814,

call me.


yours truly, the godless heathen.

December 3, 2005. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

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