every day she falls in deeper.

i just read my brother’s shirt

(he has a lot of funny shirts)

it says

pain is just part of the game

which is true…

can you ever love something too much?

i don’t want to know the answer.

Listening: Quiet; Rachael Yamagata

March 31, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

I Don’t Care Either, Haha..


i hate it when i figure something out and devise nice and neat little plans of action that work for awhile, then something comes along and messes everything up!

stop changing the rules of the game, man. it’s just not cool.


My brother looks funny in his diving gear.

Also once I stole his flippers and walked around the house pretending I was a duck.

Look, I am a duck.

Listening: Under My Skin; Rachael Yamagata

Reading: All Families Are Psychotic; Douglas Coupland

March 30, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

It’s too early in the morning for this

7.00 a.m.

Phone rings.

Must be mum.

Hide it under pillow and go back to sleep.

7.30 a.m.

Alarm goes off.

Bloody hell, WHO SET IT FOR SO EARLY???

Ignore it. Go back to sleep.

8.00 a.m.

Another alarm goes off.

Sigh and wake up.

8.30 a.m.

Phone rings when am downstairs reading papers.

Cannot be bothered to answer.

Feel sorry for whoever it is who had to wake up at this ungodly hour, too. 

Sorry, whoever you are.

8.40 a.m.

Surf amazon.com.

Read online papers

Check email.

Be lazy.

9 a.m.

Ahh..now I’m going to be late…

And so you have an interesting peek into my morning routine.


Mostly I spend my time avoiding things I have to do, then panicking when I know I don’t have enough time to do it.


Oh. Person has called back.

Woe for all of us who have to wake up at ungodly hours.

Although technically it isn’t an ungodly hour.

But don’t argue…

March 29, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

Letters To Cleo

This is an actual group.

They sang I Want You To Want Me in 10 Things I Hate About You.

Lindsay Lohan did a cover of it.

I know this because secretly I listen to whiny chick music.

OK….anyway….let’s get on to Letters to CLEO!

(as in the magazine)

Dear Cleo.

As ridiculous as this seems (quite), my husband and I have just had a fight over the iPod we share. I want to add some of my favourite music to the library but he didn’t want any Dido or Celine Dion. We’ve always had different musical tastes but I never thought it would come to this. Just because he bought the gadget doesn’t mean he should get to decide what tunes are installed on it.

Cleo’s Reply, by DAVID SMIEDT:

Absolutely. What you’re dealing with here is a case of musical self-delusion in which he thinks he’s far cooler than he actually is. Either that or he’s been afflicted by a case of Podshame whereby he’s petrified that one of his buddies might discover the offending artist lurking on his machine and pay him out mercilessly. The solution is Playlists. He gets his own, you get one and the matter is settled.

Until your big baby finds something else to cry about.

Now tell me.

How can you not love a magazine that is clearly, CLEARLY full of insightful gems like this??!!


Clearly, this is a MUST READ. Literary geniuses and all.

March 29, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

all kinds of time

“Love is a sweet hell only the truly courageous can escape.”

-Bart Freely

Sometimes I find myself in a conversation and think…

Wha…? How did we get here….

But things don’t always have to make sense to be good.

Listening: Moments With Oliver; Rachael Yamagata

March 29, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

because of you

i wouldn’t have it any other way, cause you make me happy…”                                                                               -Still Standing

last night I dreamt I dropped a hot soldering iron (or whatever its actual name is) on my foot, burning my toes.

and my first thought was

Damn, now how am I going to wear my shoes?


It’s time to rethink my priorities…

have you ever waited in a busy restaurant, stood behind someone at a table and watched as they ate to get them to hurry up?don’t. it’s rude.

even if i smile and say it’s ok, sure, go ahead,

i still think it’s rude.

it’s not my fault the restaurant is full, and i’m paying exactly the same as everyone else, so there’s no reason for me to have to rush just because someone else decides they want my seat.


if you want a favour from me, please don’t

a) be snotty about it


b) act like i OWE it to you, because i don’t.

if i ever need a favour from anyone, and do any of the above things, please tell me, so i can know never to do it again.

i was reading the sunday papers earlier today, and there was this article in the OP/ED section…where the writer questions this whole “sorry” business.

why do we apologise for everything?

why do you say “sorry i can’t come to the phone right now, please leave a message and i’ll get back to you?”

the truth is more likely to be something like i don’t really want to talk to you (or anyone else, so it’s nothing personal), which is why you’re listening to this…and if you really want to leave a message or call back later.”

why do we apologise for things we can’t control?

why do we end our speeches apologising for any offense anyone has taken, when the intention clearly might have been otherwise?

why do we continue to apologise as a formality when we don’t mean it?

i’m not going to apologise for things i don’t mean anymore.

sorry is an immensely powerful word.

it takes a lot of guts to apologise and admit you’re wrong when you really are wrong.

but today it carries no meaning.

because we say sorry when we shouldn’t have to

and don’t when we should.

and i am NOT sorry for this.

Listening: Kiss Off, Violent Femmes

Reading: Nothing But The Truth; John Lescroart

Watching: King of Queens

March 27, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

click here for what not to do

let me just get straight to the point.

some time in june or july last year, when i was on holiday, waiting for uni to start, i got this grand idea that i’d try making borsch.

for the unaccustomed, borsch is a sort of reddish, cabbage-y, beet-root-y soup thing.

it’s good.


i also decided (catastrophically, as we shall see) NOT to follow a recipe.

instead, i created my OWN SPECIAL RECIPE.

which consisted of half a carton of tomato juice, cabbage, chicken stock and heaven knows what else i put in.

basically it tasted like boiled tomato juice.


i haven’t told you the best part!

remember….there’s half a carton of juice left.


more than 6 MONTHS later.

my brother discovered the juice carton! the same one!

so we opened it



pOokpOok could not finish this post.

she appears to be unconscious.

March 24, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

and what did you get for your birthday?

today i learned about some lovely things called microorganisms.

microorganisms are everywhere.

(which is why you must be anal about germs)

(but not literally)

and even though it hasn’t been proven, i sincerely believe that one day, we will find out that the actual cause of stupidity is microorganisms!

they’re up there…i can just feeeeeeel them crawling around my brain, spitting out stupid things for me to say!

and all the while i thought it was just me.


in other news

in a sad turn of events

chicken little has left the building.

bye bye chicken little.

(Picture from here)

i’d go to the ends of the earth for you!

yes, but would you STAY there?

this has been an excellent day.

(and tomorrow is friday, so it can only get More Excellent!)

March 23, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

we must.we must.

you know when everything feels like crap and you just want to go home and sleep and not talk to anyone, and especially not ass wads who piss you off?

you should really just go home and sleep.

and if after you wake up, things don’t feel like crap anymore and you’re all nice and rested, but you still don’t want to talk to ass wads who piss you off, then you should just KILL THEM, or at the very least inflict some kind of pain on them.



tomorrow when i get suckered into volunteering for some stupid crap i don’t really want to do, i will point at this post and say….



that wasn’t a laugh, like HAHAHA…more like a long, loud waaaaaaail….

haha. (<— this is a laugh!)

tOodles, dahlings!

: )

March 22, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

i’m only happy when it Rains.

  It’s a sorry state of affairs but such is life, where every silver lining has a cloud and every piece of happiness has its price in someone elses’ pain.

It’s easy to say a lot of things, but it can be very hard to pull through.

It’s easy to say yes when you mean no, and equally easy to say no when you mean yes.

Why is it sometimes so hard to say what you mean?

Listening: I’m Only Happy When It Rains; Garbage

Reading: The Girls’ Guide To Hunting and Fishing; Melissa Bank

March 20, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.


I like Jappy things.

Especially those with pictures of cute little pseudo-toy-animal-children, usually accompanied by random (and inane) phrases like purple is butterfly moo or happy milk wonderful beautiful or to believe what you don’t believe is a brave and humour and whatever other funky crap you can think of.

So today, I decided to cut my hair.

To be specific, I told the guy to cut it to look like this Japanese comb I have, which is in the shape of a girl’s head.

(It sounds scary when I put it that way.)

Anyway. So the nice guy (his name is Louis), okay, so nice Louis cuts my hair to a shoulder length bob, gives me really nice bangs, and blowdries my hair until it’s all shiny! It wasn’t sparkly, but one mustn’t be greedy.

So for 3 WHOLE hours, I had nice, shiny hair!

Then I got caught in the rain and my hair started to curl again.

Tomorrow it will go back to being triangular and frizzy again, just you wait.

 How nice it is, to be able to devote a whole post to one’s hair.

If ou don’t know me, here’s a simple tip for identifying me in large crowds of people (or baboons).

See that girl with the poufy Yield sign shaped hair?

That’s me.

Say hello!

: )

EDIT: I watched V for Vendetta today, and I don’t get it!

Someone please explain it to me.

March 18, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

No Uncertain Terms

Things I learned before 8 am today:

1. The Earth, to be completely accurate, is an oblate spheroid.

2. A cougar, mountain lion and a puma are all the same animal.

Okay, so that’s only 2 things, but still. AT LEAST I MANAGED TO WAKE UP BEFORE NOON TODAY.

I am going to watch Nanny McPhee now.

Bye bye! : )

Ladybug, ladybug

Fly away home.

Your house is on fire.

And your children are


March 16, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

Homage Du Fromage

piece of cheese

sitting idle on the floor

who are you

and may I eat you?


oh how i love you, cheese.

see James McIntyre’s ode to cheese.

i am not alone.

how stupid are these people?

Man busted in Calif. with billion dollar bills


March 15, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

Shade Of Truth

First off, I apologise if I’ve seemed moody, distant or snobby(-er than usual), I just have a lot on my mind.

Rain reminds me of a lot of things.

My friend used to tell me that she hated it whenever it rained- it reminded her of all the things she regretted, all the things she could have and would have and should have done.

Whenever it rained she’d usually call me and then we would spend an hour or two watching the rain fall (well, I did, at any rate), thinking about what we could have and would have and should have done if things had been different.

Recently she called to say this.

I don’t regret anything anymore. I don’t even know why.

This sort of upset me. This meant that now, I would have to do the talking, about what I could have and would have and should have done.

I don’t like talking. Big shock? I talk a lot (of bullshit), but you never actually hear me tell you anything personal.

 Except when I do, which is rarer than you think.

Because I don’t like it. It makes it seem real. And you can’t hide from something if it’s real.

Not like I haven’t tried.

I don’t understand a lot of things. I try, and sometimes I get it, but then after that I forget why I got it and go back to being confused again.

This probably makes me sound more bimbotic than ever, but I really don’t mind. I AM bimbotic (a lot of the time), so what difference does it make. And yes, bimbotic isn’t a word, but who cares, it gets the point across.

I don’t want to leave, but there’s no reason for me to stay.

So I’ve decided to go.

I don’t know when, but I will.

There’s no reason to stay.

Of all the cliches in the world I pick this one.

If you keep looking at what you’ve left behind you’ll never know if you’re missing a door opening in front.

Exam results were released yesterday. 2 of my cousins sat for this exam, one doing extremely well and the other probably just as well (He went to PARIS for a week and hasn’t collected his results, lucky duck).When you sat for your major exams in school, it always seemed like the most important thing in the world.

I wouldn’t leave my room for anything short of a fire for WEEKS when I was sitting for one a couple of years ago.

And I was right, it WAS the most important thing in my life, at least for those couple of months.

But then you grow up, sit for a few more exams, and then a few more, and then you face some pretty damn big problems in your real life (all the while sitting for more Very Important Exams, bah humbug), and it goes on and on and on.

And sometimes you get stuck in these horrible situations you could easily have avoided if you’d had some foresight, but of course I didn’t so here I am.

You think

Is this it?

And then when you look back at all the problems that consumed you so wholly, that made you cry and mope around sadly, and then you think…

No, those weren’t exactly the most important things in my life.

But it doesn’t make you feel less sad.

This kind of clear, rational thinking comes only with time.

So how, how exactly are you supposed to get over it now?

How do you make yourself feel better NOW?

I have a glass bottle of moisturiser. For the longest time I didn’t want to use it since I knew I’d probably drop and break it. And so it’s sat on my table for the past 2 months, unused, unwanted, unloved.Must shake things up with a bit of drama.

Today I left the window open.

And when I came home, the wind had knocked over a bottle of baby powder.

It knocked over a few other bottles.

And it hit the one bottle I’d always been so careful about.

The glass bottle broke.

See, even when you’re really careful, sometimes things go wrong anyway.

And it’s not always your fault (although I’ll close my window from now on).

A nice little lesson.

Wow. Even by my standards, this has been one long, nondisjunct ramble.Again, I apologise if I’ve seemed moody, distant or snobby(-er than usual), I just have a lot on my mind.

March 14, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

this little piggy

got this!

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and this!

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I was hungry when I bought this.

This little piggy says yay!

: )

March 12, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.

One Night in Mongkok

p>The past ten days have been amazing…Hong Kong is a city with a surprise at every turn.

The sheer number of people is staggering- it's literally impossible to just walk– you just get swept along in the crowd.

It is not a place for the faint of heart.

Or purse.

My days were spent shopping, sightseeing, taking impossibly cheesy pictures and generally doing as many touristy things that are humanly possible, all while trying not to 1)exceed my credit limit or 2)break anymore suitcases.

(Instead, I just bought more bags.Soft ones, so they're unbreakable!)

What I liked most about Hong Kong was the way I could stand in a huge crowd of people (and this was just about everywhere…) and feel like I was just watching things. There were always so many things to see, so many people moving everywhere, that it's impossible to just…Stop.

I loved that I didn't know anyone there. I loved that for 10 days, I didn't wake up in the morning and rush to check my email, or read the papers, or worry about stupid things like I normally do.

I love that for 10 days I could just ignore the real world! 🙂

I just like being on holiday.

My mum fell asleep earlier, and when I woke her up, she asked…

Where are we now?

She must like being on holiday too.

Image hosting by PhotobucketHong Kong at night
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Repulse Bay
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The ruins of St. Paul's, in Macau
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The ifc in Central, taken from aboard a Star ferry

Hong Kong is a strange collection of so many contrasting things, so many sights and smells and sounds and tastes.
In Central on Sundays, scores of Filipinas gather on the streets outside Chanel and Cartier (are the stores alphabetised?), eating, smoking, playing cards, giving each other manicures and what not.
I asked someone- why are they just sitting there?
Because they have no where to go.
Outside Times Square in Causeway Bay, where the tenant list reads like a who's who of luxury and fashion's biggest names, a man sits humbly; his face horribly disfigured from what I suppose must have been a horrible industrial accident. His cap sits empty, save for a 10 dollar coin and some 50 cent coins.
One rainy night in Mongkok, I watched an old man rummaging the garbage bin for recyclable items, wearing just one shoe.
On that day alone I had bought three pairs.
While some say Hong Kong's obsession with things appeals to only the most shallow, that all who pass must pay homage to its number one deity: consumerism (and its hard to not get sucked into this), I give it some credit for showing another side, one of humanity– one that teaches you to look beyond the Prada and Fendi, beneath the expensive makeup and intoxicating perfume, and just look into what it means to be human, alone.
It teaches you humility.
Or maybe just guilt.
Good times.

March 10, 2006. MY So-Called Life. Leave a comment.